
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

PFND Big Saunton Beach Clean

Event Date: 2nd September 2021, 18:00 – 20:00

Event Category: Beach Clean / Activity

Location: Saunton

The next monthly BIG Saunton beach is Thurs Sept 2nd 6pm – 8pm


As always free parking and hot drinks provided by @sauntonbreakcafe. If you have a reusable cup – PLEASE remember to bring it!!

This series is made possible by the ongoing support and partnership with Christie’s estates @Braunton Burrows Public Information @Saunton Beach Enterprises Ltd, @North Devon Coast AONB and local @Surfers Against Sewage reps and @Saunton Break Cafe.

Visit the Plastic Free North Devon Facebook page for more information

We will also continuing to collect brand audit data for @surfersagainstsewage #millionmilebeach series #citizenscience 
