
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Bat Walk around Braunton

Event Date: 22nd September 2016, 19:00

22nd September – 7pm, Braunton Countryside Centre, Caen Street Car Park, EX33 1AA

Come and learn about the Greater Horseshoe bat and join the Dave Edgcombe with some high tech bat detectors for a walk around Braunton exploring how bats, in particular the Greater Horseshoe Bat, navigate around the edge of the village.

This walk will look at the areas around the edge of Braunton Great Field, Velator Wetland and the cycleway footpath adjacent to the River Caen.

Distance: 3 km
Duration 2 hours
Gradient: level

For more information about Braunton Bat Walk email dave.edgcombe@devon.gov.uk or ring 07968 079436.
